Your original artwork is custom-designed and printed using the giclee process to create a stunning original for you.

Unmounted pricing includes mainland UK postage and packing:

60cm x 60cm .... £195.00

30cm x 30cm .... £125.00

A1 (594mm x 840mm) portrait .... £195.00

A2 (420mm x 594mm) portrait .... £125.00

Our Landmark range features well known funki places around the world printed using the giclee process.

Unmounted pricing includes mainland UK postage and packing:

A1 (594mm x 840mm) portrait .... £95.00

A2 (420mm x 594mm) portrait .... £75.00

Our standard white frame and mount is available in addition:

60cm x 60cm ... £200

30cm x 30cm ... £100

A1 ... £180

A2 ... £120

Other ideas
We can apply the funk to your own colour scheme and to any size on numerous materials.  Ideal for that eye-catching piece in the hall, reception or funki board room setting.  Please drop us an email at and we'll be back in touch before you can blink... although that depends on how quickly you can blink... let's just say that we'll get back to you quickly.

How to get hold of your funkitown print
Please use the contact page to send us an email detailing your requirements.  All we need to get started is your address and post code, the size of print you'd like and any colour scheme you have in mind.  We'll be back in touch with you very quickly...